
Listed below are the common courses that students accepted into the Math and Science First Learning Community will enroll in for the Fall and Spring Semesters. The rest of their schedule will be specific to their personal field of study. 

Fall Semester:

COSC 1600 (3 credit hours) – Thinking Scientifically for College Success for the Math and Science First Learning Community: This seminar will only be open to participants of the LC. The course will focus on acclimating to the University, learning about campus resources, how to navigate common pitfalls of math and science majors, and how to set yourself up for success in these majors. This fulfills the College of Science’s “Prospect for Success” Requirement.

One of the following courses:

CHEM 1251 (3 credit hours) – General Chemistry 1: This course is a foundational requirement for science majors within the College of Sciences. The course also meets the science course requirements for students majoring in mathematics or statistics. To take this course, incoming freshmen must meet the math placement level 3 (ML3, eligable for MATH 1103 Pre-Calculus) and are expected to have a solid foundation in high school chemistry.

MATH 1101 (3 credit hours) – College Algebra and Workshop: Completion of MATH 1101 (or equivalent based on placement scores) is required as a pre-requisite for taking CHEM 1251. If you have not met this requirement, then you will be advised to take MATH 1101 as part of your learning community curriculum instead of CHEM 1251. College algebra will provide an excellent and essential foundation for many science and math courses for any major that is part of the learning community.  Students taking MATH 1101 are also encouraged to take CHEM 1200 to prepare for CHEM 1251, however, this is not a learning community requirement.

Spring Semester:

In the Spring, students will take at least one of the following courses:

COSC 3000 (1 cr) – Communicating Science and Math through STEM Outreach:  This 1-credit course is only open to participants in our Learning Community. It will focus on effectively communicating science and math, teaching students how to simplify, present, and engage with STEM topics in ways that are accessible to a broad audience. Students will also have the opportunity to design and share a STEM outreach activity through collaborations with local schools, libraries, and campus events like the STEAM Innovation Expo.

CHEM 1251 (3 credit hours) – General Chemistry 1: Students who successfully complete MATH 1101 in the Fall are now eligible to take CHEM 1251. This course is a foundational requirement for science majors within the College of Sciences. The course also meets the science course requirements for students majoring in mathematics or statistics.

CHEM 1252 (3 credit hours) – General Chemistry 2: Students who successfully complete CHEM 1251 in the Fall are now eligible to take CHEM 1252. This course is a foundational requirement for science majors within the College of Sciences.